Oak stairs are hugely popular, with the natural subtle tones of oak treads adding a real wow factor to your home, however the majority of newer homes are fitted with softwood or MDF stairs. The cost and mess involved in replacing them can be off putting. Our Oak Landing Connector is one of many products that are part of our Heritage Oak Stair Cladding Range
How to Use Our Stair Cladding
Heritage oak stair cladding offers you a simple cost-effective solution. By retaining your existing stairs, and bonding new oak treads and risers over the top. This means that converting your staircase to solid oak becomes an easy weekend DIY job and better yet the cost is usually a fraction of that of a new oak staircase.
We have designed this landing connector to help connect our oak stair cladding to our oak 20mm flooring. This works well for instance as a top step, leading onto a landing. It is a solid oak board with a rounded bullnose edge allowing it be connected flawlessly with the oak flooring.

Pack contents:
1 solid oak landing connector board 1000mm wide, 139mm deep, 20mm thick
These go perfectly with our Straight Tread Packs
There are many ways to improve the look of your stairs and Heritage has many stair related products to help you achieve a staircase transformation.
Finally, look here for more great ideas as to what you can do with your staircase!

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